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Killing candida helped me lose weight - killing fungu assist me lose weight

31-01-2017 à 20:40:16
Killing candida helped me lose weight
Those were the common questions I received on my popular post How to Eat Sugar. Please read my post The Leaky Gut Guide, which includes everything I wished I knew when I first began to improve my gut health. Believe me, I was also hesitant to start incorporating healthy sugars back into my diet after my short and extraordinarily unpleasant stint on The Candida Diet. May 1, 2013 289 Comments Affiliate Disclosure Busted: Candida Myths. Removing disaccharides (which are found in things like grains, potatoes and table sugar) from the diet and supporting digestion with probiotics allows the microvilli to heal and the gut lining to seal. So, without further ado, here are the three problems I have with The Candida Diet. Grains are simply the hard, edible seeds of grass-like plants. Without the bran and germ, these new refined flours lasted longer on the shelf but contained much lower levels of nutrients. Processed grains can be enriched with synthetic forms of nutrients like folic acid (instead of the natural form of folate), iron and b-vitamins to try to make up for the nutrients removed during processing. This, of course, increased the amount of flour consumed. Microvilli contain cells that produce the enzyme disaccharidase which breaks down disaccharides. What is wrong with the popular Candida Diet. The cycle worsens over time ( Source and source ). A centuries-long study has tracked the results of this change. With the dawn of the modern mill, it was now possible to separate the parts of the whole grain and use just the starchy endosperm to create an inexpensive and very finely ground white flour (similar to most flour used today). Before this time, grains were ground in whole form, often with stones, and the flour still contained all the components of the whole grain.

It also allows undigested food particles to escape from the intestines into the bloodstream, causing food allergies or sensitivities. There are many varieties and the most common are wheat, corn, oats and rice. This leads to impaired digestion of disaccharides, bacterial overgrowth ( and candida overgrowth ), and an increase in gut-damaging bacterial by-products. Whole grains can be a source of nutrients like b-vitamins, magnesium and others, but refined grains have most of these beneficial parts removed. In most cases, it requires a grain free diet to heal and seal the gut lining. These anti-candida protocols all eliminate natural sugars like honey and fruit as well as starchy vegetables like winter squash and carrots. Others claim that grains are the foundation of our food supply and have been for thousands of years. Agronomists developed new cultivars of wheat that are what we know as wheat today. They are one of the most-consumed foods worldwide and the primary source of nutrition and energy for many populations around the world. Grains are made up of three main parts: the hard outer layer or shell (called the Bran), the Germ (the core of the seed that provides nutrients when it sprouts and grows), and the starchy endosperm that provides a starchy food source for the growth of the seed. Undigested food particles cause injury to the small intestine. But when the microvilli are damaged, disaccharidase production slows or halts. Second, eliminating natural sugars (like fruit and honey) from the diet when one has candida overgrowth can actually exacerbate the candida issue and cause systemic candida overgrowth. ( source ). To heal the root cause of candida, leaky gut must be addressed. Grains are a controversial food in modern society, but the real problem with grains may not be what you think. Along with the reduced cost of flour from the newer and more efficient method of refining, flour was now available and affordable to almost everyone. Candida diets, which allow the consumption of gluten free grains, will not correct a leaky gut and therefore will not permanently address candida overgrowth. Get Free Access to the Steps for Sustenance Book.

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