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Cron diet plan - cron fare intend

01-02-2017 à 18:32:21
Cron diet plan
Next, the proponent determines the level of caloric restriction they wish to implement in their regular eating pattern. Some celebrities have famously fasted their way to a slimmer body, however, there has always been a debate whether this is healthy. They suggest that adherents cook eight meals on a specific day of the week, and then freeze these meals to use during the entire week. Research into IGF1 shows that when the hormone levels fall, the body becomes more efficient at repairing DNA damage. Proponents then use the current weight and body fat content to determine the goal weight (below the set point), and plan and follow a preliminary diet until the goal weight is reached. The Walfords propose three meals in their book, but variation is possible. It seems that people who eat very little have less incidence of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes and other conditions that tend to affect people in western civilizations today. The Walfords propose that adherents eat three meals per day. It is obviously very hard to accomplish this. CRON stands for C alorie R estriction with O ptimum N utrition. By the third day he had used up all his glucose reserves and started burning fat for fuel and sugar. However, just eating less is not enough, you need to eat less protein and fewer calories. The first couple of days are the hardest, but by the third day he was coping much better with the fast. Michael Mosley concluded that despite knowing and understanding all the benefits of fasting on a regular basis, he just could not bring himself to do it. The Walfords and Delaney, among others, founded the CR Society International to promote the CRON-diet.

However, you need to permanently switch to a low protein and plant-based diet to ensure that the IGF1 levels remain low. Our diets affect how much IGF1 we produce. Michael Mosley presented in a recent BBC documentary the theory that a low-calorie diet extends life. The research with mice shows that a calorie restricted diet leads to a low level of the growth hormone called: Insulin Like Growth Factor One (IGF1), and this hormone is linked with longevity. Other names include CR-diet, Longevity diet, and Anti-Aging Plan. The Walfords caution that such meals must be planned exactly and contain all the required RDA nutrients. What Michael Mosley investigated was the effect of regular fasting to help reduce protein and calorie intake in short bursts. This is not a very low-calorie diet, people stick to around 1900 Calories a day. Within 3 days and 4 nights of fasting positive results should be seen. On the third day he felt a little light-headed but was mostly feeling OK. The problem is that most people eat far too much. The key is that you eat a low protein, low-fat, high plant diet. Proponents believe that the set-point is determined through heredity and childhood eating habits. Also, it is recommended that you fast once per month to maintain the effect. If you can stick to recommended guidelines for protein and calorie intake then this should be enough.

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